Welcome …

… Herzlich Willkommen, Bienvenido and Bem Vindo on the latest blog of Miniatur Wunderland!

On this page we take you with us on what is probably the greatest adventure in Wunderland history: We are building South America! In South America. With South Americans. In about 190.000 working hours on approximately 200 square meters Rio da Janeiro, Patagonia, the rainforest, the Iguazú waterfalls and parts of Peru, Bolivia and Chile will be built – and you can be part of it and watch the progress!

From the first shell of the substructure to the final touches of the greenery, we will show you everything and keep you up to date on the construction progress.

Together with the Martinez family from Buenos Aires we plan and build Rio de Janeiro. We are expecting the opening of the big South American section towards the end of 2021. We look forward to your company in the exciting time that lies ahead!

4 thoughts on “Welcome …”

  1. Hallo MiWuLa-er 🙂

    Ich finde es toll, das ihr sowas macht – aber wie wollt ihr dann klein-Südamerika nach Hamburg kriegen?

    • Flugzeugcontainer? In so kleinen Stücken wollten wir die Anlage nicht transportieren … 😉

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